Oil Containment Berms

Secondary Spill Containment Berms

oil containment bermsQuestion: I am interested in finding oil containment berms that I can place underneath my oil drums. I have several and am looking for a liner like material that might be able to also contain liquids in a spill. I would prefer some kind of stiff wall, not something like air. Would your berms work for this application?

Answer: For the type of containment you are looking to achieve, you might consider something like the Aluminum Angle Spill Berm. Our containment berm has a wide range of sizes, aluminum angle walls, and can be made from reliable materials that are capable of handling oil or other contents that you will be storing. Berms can be taken apart and set up in multiple locations as required.

Questions about oil containment berms? We can help! Call our team at +1-772-646-0597 or fill out our quote request form to discuss your requirements.

Containment Berm Walls

secondary containment bermSince you have mentioned the need for sturdy walls, this aluminum angle berm may be best equipped to handle that specification. This will provide you with a firm wall that can contain liquids that may flow from a drum in storage.

In addition, the aluminum angle walls are also incredibly easy to install and take apart. Aluminum angles are often removed from the bottom end wall of a spill berm to allow vehicles or handtrucks to roll onto the berm. View more about Spill Berms.

  • Aluminum Angle Walls
  • Built through Aluminum Angle Brackets
  • Slide Directly into Pockets along the Berm Wall
  • Typical Height of 1 Foot

If you are looking for something that can handle frequent movement on and off the berm, you could also consider the foam wall berm. While not as rigid as the aluminum angle model, these berms feature hard foam that can be inserted into walls of the berm and driven over as necessary. View more information about Secondary Containment Berms.

Spill Containment of Oil Drums

aluminum angle containment bermAs you have mentioned, oil containment berms can be a great option for the containment of oil drums. Berms often feature a long exterior capable of holding several oil drums on the same unit. This will act as a liner for underneath drums, with the added benefit of strength and liquid containment.

However, if you do choose this berm specifically as a secondary containment product, you will want to make sure it still keeps you in compliance with containment regulations.

Drum containment typically requires a capacity equivalent to 110% the total volume of the items on the berm. Depending on how many drums you plan to fit on a unit, the capacity of the berm may not be able to handle all the contents of your drums.

View more information on EPA Regulations for Secondary Containment.

Questions about oil containment berms? We can help! Call our team at +1-772-646-0597 or fill out our quote request form to discuss your requirements.